3D buck target

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3D buck target

#1 Post by Shadowhntr »

Im contemplating buying the Glendel Buck target. Anybody use one of these? Anyone use 3D targets at all?
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Re: 3D buck target

#2 Post by Carpdaddy »

I would have to take the antlers off or I would miss.

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Re: 3D buck target

#3 Post by Margly »

I shot a lot on the 3D target both for practice and competition.
My clubs 3D range has 24 targets out in the forest behind my house. I also have 5, 3D targets in my backyard in the range out to ca 30 yards.
The targets is from Rhinehart and SRT 3D targets.
I really recommend 3D for hunting practice and fun :)

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Re: 3D buck target

#4 Post by Jose »

I have two Glendale's, they are really nice!

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Re: 3D buck target

#5 Post by Shadowhntr »

Flatline Bows LLC wrote:I have two Glendale's, they are really nice!
Are they holding up Jose? I seen on other sites they claimed they broke at the back just above the insert. They are claiming Rhinehart is a better choice. How long have you had yours, and how much shooting have they taken approx?

Which model do you have?
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Re: 3D buck target

#6 Post by Jose »

Shadowhntr wrote:
Flatline Bows LLC wrote:I have two Glendale's, they are really nice!
Are they holding up Jose? I seen on other sites they claimed they broke at the back just above the insert. They are claiming Rhinehart is a better choice. How long have you had yours, and how much shooting have they taken approx?

Which model do you have?
I have had mine probably 5-8 years. I have the full rut and the smaller one. Don't remember what model it's called though.... Both are still working good. I have not shot many broadheads in them just so they last longer but have shot a few. No issues with mine breaking at the back....

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Re: 3D buck target

#7 Post by Shadowhntr »

Hate to keep pestering you Jose....I know you are a darn fine shot. Have you kept most of your arrows in the replaceable core, or has there been many shots outside of the core? Im worried about the integrity of the body with arrow abuse from pulled shots.

"They" claim there is an arrow eating metal band somewhere down low on or just below the vitals. Have you found it or is that rubbish?
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Re: 3D buck target

#8 Post by Jose »

Shadowhntr wrote:Hate to keep pestering you Jose....I know you are a darn fine shot. Have you kept most of your arrows in the replaceable core, or has there been many shots outside of the core? Im worried about the integrity of the body with arrow abuse from pulled shots.

"They" claim there is an arrow eating metal band somewhere down low on or just below the vitals. Have you found it or is that rubbish?

Not pestering at all! Although I wish I could say I keep them all in the core, I can not. I keep most in but have had my share of misses. It seems like the holes close up really well. I think the only problem you would have is if you shoot a lot in the area where it hinges to remove the core for replacement. I would not hesitate to purchase another when the time does come. On a side note, I don't leave it outside in the weather. When I am done shooting I always put it back in the barn. Seems to help it last longer.

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Re: 3D buck target

#9 Post by Dan »

The one I had lasted for about 6 years being outside all the time. That's with me and 2 kids shooting it regularly. The plastic legs don't hold up well to arrows, but the body seemed to hold up pretty well.

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Re: 3D buck target

#10 Post by Captainkirk »

You fellers have seen pics of my McKenzie. Pretty inferior compared to the new models out today.
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