Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

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South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#11 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

Anybody out there use this method?
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Two Dogs
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#12 Post by Two Dogs »

John, here's how I shoot,when drawing the bow my ARM is already on Target &as I'm looking at the spot I see my hand & arrow all at the same time. I guess its split vision.

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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#13 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#14 Post by Tradman »

If you really want to get better try the method i put up above.I shoot completely by instinct and never look at anything but my spot,completely instinctive.try the paint method and even put a kisser button on your string during this process to give you another anchor point.just remember...no shooting arrows for at least one week...wont hurt to try,doesnt sound like much else is working for you.give it a whirl.

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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#15 Post by onesharpbroadhead »

I would try tradhunters method too - when I said that "I didn't think that method would work" - I was refering to the gap/split vision type method of conscious aiming not working to cure target panic.

In the book - The Advanced Archer - the author actually claims that instinctive archers never get true target panic - I guess I don't know if I agree with that or not - since I have never had it.

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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#16 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

Well, I can attest to being a true instinctive archer and I have TP pretty bad at times :shock: I love shooting the wayI shoot I just want to do it at a consistence level and with some accuracy.
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#17 Post by Tradman »

I have seen a couple guys that would flinch like hell when they shot a trad bow..kind of funny but sad at the same time if ya know what i mean..it cannot hurt you to try it and will not give you any bad habits i promise.

Rick Barbee
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#18 Post by Rick Barbee »


Someday I'm going to get pictures of the actual thing, but I haven't figured out how to take them, and accurately display the vision yet.

This is the best I can do to explain it until then:

Extend your bow arm, and point your finger at an object.
Now At the same time, close your sting hand, and point your finger at the same object while holding your thumb on your top lip,
with the large knuckle of your thumb in your nostril.

Maintain all of your concentrated focus on the spot you have picked.

See the spot. Concentrate on the spot. Focus your vision on the spot.
Yep, you can still see both pointed fingers in your peripheral vision.
Point those fingers at that spot with the peripheral vision.

Whether at a conscious, or subconscious level -
The extended arm, and pointed finger of it represent what you see of your bow, and your bow arm when at full draw.
The pointed finger of the string hand represent what you see of the arrow at full draw.

Apply this to your actual shooting, triangulate your focus with the two peripheral vision points,
adjust for accuracy, and VIOLA "Split vision shooting", or at least what my perception of it is.

Variations from one person to the next on how they anchor, and the different excess lengths of the arrow
will change how they see what I am describing of the string hand, so you will have to figure that out
by paying attention to it at first, and for a while.

Practice that long enough, and the peripheral vision aspects actually do/will become instinctive/second nature after a while,
and will require little to no conscious attention to be paid to them, and you will be able to achieve it with both speed, and accuracy.

Just like any other learned process, it will take a while for it to start being natural to you,
but it will come. Sooner for some than for others.

Hope that helps.


Rick Barbee
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#19 Post by Rick Barbee »

Oh, and


Couple this process with knowing the arc of your arrow, and you won’t/don’t have to judge distances.
You’ll just automatically know where to lay the arrow into the arc to achieve the distance of the shot.


South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

#20 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

Thanks Rick, I wonder if our minds pick up on these little cue and alignment landmarks in making that mental adjustment from shot after shot until it becomes ....well instinctive!
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