Awe man!!!!

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#11 Post by wtpops »

There is some one out there that has a signature that makes me laugh every time i read it says, "my greatest fear is that when i die my wife will sell all my bows for what i told her i paid for them"
I have six children, ten grandchildren and a few pennies in my pocket. I am far richer than most men.

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#12 Post by onesharpbroadhead »

LOL wtpops

Coaster - I sleep just fine - ;) - we are having a ball with this - her friend is a graphic artist and we are doing some more photoshop stuff of other people in the family that are going to serve on her crew - :)

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#13 Post by A.S. »

Wtpops, yep that's my wife REALLY loves it!!! LOL
My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife will sell all my stuff for what I told her I paid for it!!

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#14 Post by AWPForester »

Dang it!

Not wishing you bad Karma but, I was hoping that this would be the one time she decided to not be so supportive. If that changes you got my address. Anything to help a brother out. I would hate to take one for the team like that, but I will just for you dude.

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#15 Post by A.S. »

Are you standing in your driveway yet?? LOL
My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife will sell all my stuff for what I told her I paid for it!!

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#16 Post by RUSTY »

LOL!! That's funny Allen!! No at work. They won't try again till after 5:00. Will give me time to pick my boys up from school. Your strings are sitting out just waitin'. Will have to see how to upload to photobucket from my iPhone tonite. Not sure if any of you guys caught it on the news last week but there was an issue with macs, kinda like a virus I guess. Well the wife was on the computer Friday nite and our computer got hit. Nothing serious but will have to take it to the apple store on Friday to get it off!! I should be able to get the pics up thru the phone though.

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#17 Post by onesharpbroadhead »

If he is like most of us - he is standing in the driveway in pouring rain and dodging lightening bolts waiting for his new bow to arrive! When I got my first widow - I got it on the day I had to have a filling in a front tooth - I decided not to have any shots - because I did not want my mouth to be all frozen when I shot my new bow- the dentist said it would only be about 30 seconds of drilling - THAT WAS THE LONGEST 30 SECONDS OF MY FREAKIN' LIFE - i would never - EVER do that again!

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Re: Awe man!!!!

#18 Post by bjorn »

Dontcha' just hate those days when the mailman knows you have a new bow coming and he drives by your house 3 times without stopping to deliver what you are dying to tear open?

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