The Daily Grind

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Re: The Daily Grind

#41 Post by Shadowhntr »

Lol! :lol:

Yup Tony...its nice. Many folks have to plan on getting out to the Park....I get to enjoying it every day. Some of our nature parks are absolutely gorgeous and often no or few people. Of course some Parks are constantly busy with people like the one where I'm mowing in the video. I even get AC in the summer and heat when it's cool....stay dry in damp weather too. Gotta love a cab!

Got that right Graps! I was only set up doing roughly 4 mph on the video, but I can mow 7.6 mph with my deck at 5" height and good blades in pretty heavy material. 3.5 mile an hour don't seem like much but it cuts down time on a field immensely. Little more bumpy

:lol: ..Kirk, flashers are just a saftey precaution that says more or less CAUTION. We have to follow the policy because there are often pedestrians and vehicles around during mowings. Scares me to death when ignorant people come right up by the tractor/mower, within 10ft sometimes without me noticing. They want me to stop to talk...which I certainly do stop... often a bit aggravated at their lack of understanding about that brush hog. I can mow down up to 5 1/2" diameter trees and splinter them into tooth picks. I've seen it sling softball sized chunks of rock beyond 30 yards, normally out the front and off to a side.... It don't just stop all of a sudden..ugh.
Once I hit a large cast iron sewer (heavy duty) lid. No way I can pick one up they weight so much...i have to flip them to handle them when we have to. When I hit sounded like a gun went off with one big boom. It destroyed the lid so utterly I couldn't find a piece bigger then a golf ball. Knocked a big chunk out of my blades too!
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Re: The Daily Grind

#42 Post by cap4382 »

Looks scary!

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Re: The Daily Grind

#43 Post by cap4382 »

I thought I'd share my chosen field. I'm a foreman at a timber frame company, we build houses the old way with mortise and tenon joinery and big timbers throughout. Oak pegs holds 90% of the houses together, with select joints getting mechanically fastened with lags.

Pretty cool houses and projects for the most part. Sometimes i really wonder why some customers want some stuff, but I'll do it for the right price!
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Re: The Daily Grind

#44 Post by Shadowhntr »

Holy smokes! I thought you built decks! Had NO idea you did what you do! That's awesome bro!
The element of surprise can never be replaced by persistence.

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Re: The Daily Grind

#45 Post by Nock »

Been a machinist/tool maker/fabricator/maintenance for almost 20 years now. Currently maint lead in a paint factory. Not as cool as what Kirk does. 8-)
Happiness is a tight chain!

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