"Uh, Houston, we've had a problem."

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Re: "Uh, Houston, we've had a problem."

#11 Post by Grizzly »

just sitting here laughing quietly to myself. jshlqtm

Well luckily I did the paste thing just now, cause if not it would have been aargh!!!, again. Maybe next time I can try the draft thingy.
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Re: "Uh, Houston, we've had a problem."

#12 Post by Carpdaddy »

Unlike when preaching, I don’t get too long winded here, I’m doing it all with two thumbs! I have lost post like that though, usually don’t have the heart to re-write.

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Re: "Uh, Houston, we've had a problem."

#13 Post by Captainkirk »

Here's what I would suggest, fellers...
Open the post with my instructions in it. Then open another browser window and open TH on that as well. You can click back and forth between the two to follow the instructions.
Try saving a practice draft. I stated out with something like xxxxxxxxxxxx (no, that's not my waist size). I saved it, then logged off of browser #2, re-opened it, and tried retrieving my draft. It worked for me.
Now, can't say if this will work for any of you using a smart phone or not...this forum is still a complete disaster on my Android; I avoid logging on here from my phone if at all possible. Maybe one of you guys can try it out on a phone and see if you can get it to work?
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Re: "Uh, Houston, we've had a problem."

#14 Post by Elkman »

Hey guys,

Well, I looked into these issues and the remember me feature was turned off for some reason. I enabled it and set it to force you to login again after 14 days. I personally don't use the remember me feature for security reasons. It will be up to you weather or not to use it. Next time you login check the little box where it says remember me. We'll see if that helps. There are a few other adjustments I can change, but we'll move on to them only if need be.
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