Come on in and sit a spell. There's a seat for you around the campfire.
Forum rules
Please keep hunting posts to Traditional Bow Hunting. No canned or high fence hunts or stories allowed. Please be respectful of fellow members and helpful to those with questions. Treat others like you like to be treated. There is a Japanese word that I try and model my life after.
GAMAN: patience..dignity..restraint.
I was blessed Tuesday morning November 22nd as this big bodied spike came to check out a few soft buck grunts I let out in his direction. He came in between my decoy (20 yards) and me and was broadside at 10 yards. I gave him the Big Game Head through both lungs and watched the arrow hit the snow and rocks behind him. Had a blood trail that I could follow from the tree! He was down within 100 yards and made for a nice quick recovery. What a great morning!
Thanks, Jim
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Here are mine for this season so far. Since the Maryland Bow season started back on Sept 15Th, I have taken one Ground Hog and 5 Doe deer. Here are pics of the Ground Hog and 4 of the 5 Does. I am still looking for a fairly nice buck to put my tag on, but so far all I have seen is smaller bucks that I have passed up, but I am having a good time just being out in the woods with my Longbow, and will continue to take Does, because MAN, I really love venison and, I also share my bounty with Family, Friends, and my Church members. Shoot Straight and Good Hunting.