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GAMAN: patience..dignity..restraint.
South MS Bowhunter
Posts: 101
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Re: Path’s

#11 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

My decision to hit the snooze button the second time is now having consequences as the gray light is fast turning to the purple hues mixed with softening shades of white.. I must hurry!

The land has been logged in the last 2 years and i've decided to hunt along the edge of a thick branch that runs north and south in relation to the property. The logging company have cut strips of pines out of the land that run east to west and has created somewhat of a checker board pattern. In years pass i've stayed down in the branch and normally get blown out by the deer due to the thermals, something i've never paid a mind to.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Path’s

#12 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

Well, this year after many years of not understanding how to use the thermals and wind I decided to hunt the ridges in the morning and bottoms more in the evening.

I fine a pine tree on the east side of the branch and in the intersection of one of the clear cut lanes in the pines. This feels foreign to me as I like the bottoms with the oaks and activities of the squirrels, but i'm learning to resist the path's of ease and comfort zones.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Path’s

#13 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

I thinks sometime of all the years I've missed out on quality hunts due to taken the route of the "norm" i've seen more deer this years due to a willingness to change and try new things.

I got settled in and looked at the time, 0645 and the sun is starting to rise. My stand location wasn't perfect, I couldn't find a suitable tree that faced away from the East so I knew that around 0715 to around 0830 the sun would be in my eyes, oh well life is like that at times, blinded by the light.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
Posts: 101
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Re: Path’s

#14 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

At 0815 or so, after not seeing much movement of anything I decide to use a little doe in a can and grunt sequence to liven things up. I do so every 30 to 40 minute when at 0920 I hear a stick snap West and behind me.

I look back a little over my left shoulder trying to see what made the noise and I see movement and make out a large doe then another and finaly a young yearling. They are moving through the pines in between the clearcut lanes keeping the brush between them instead of taking the easier route

I had just moments before opened one of those cheese stick to catch a quick snack, and now the 2 larger does are 20 yards behind me and downwind with their noses in air trying to assess where the danger is.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Path’s

#15 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

They move on and after they are out of sight I make a few quick grunts to try and bring them back, after a few minute when things looked like they had really moved on, I did another series on the can and grunt tube.

While at the same time watching back over my left shoulder...

At 0935 I see movement again from where the does had just came through and at first I thought another doe, than I see a little bone on top.

The young buck appeared to be on a mission, as he was coming in at a gait and I would have to make a decision to shoot sitting or stand now.

I quickly eased up, got my hand on my bow in one fluid motion and started looking for the lane I needed. I'm always amazed at how well a deed can pinpoint the area of sound. He had the grunts located to within a yew yards of the tree and was on a mission to find the other deer.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Path’s

#16 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

As he went behind a patch of low brush and different sized pine trees, I had one of those moment where everything went into automatic mode, as his head disappeared momentarily behind the tree my bow arm came up and my string hand began to draw.

Within that spit second of being behind the tree to coming out in the clear I was almost at full draw and picking a spot..
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: Path’s

#17 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

As he cleared the cover and stepped out into the intersection, I was in position and my mind took complete control. I don’t remember releasing just seeing the arrow was in the deer and my ears hearing and confirming what my eyes were seeing.

At the shot the deer dropped, in an instant I knew I had spine him, he spun trying to head back the way he came at the drop of the string.

In realty he had not turned full broadside and the shot was angled more quartering to me as he was on the move at the time.

I quickly got a second arrow on the string and in the heat of the moment rushed the shot deflecting off a limb and into the dirt.

I grabbed my last broad head loaded arrow and took a little more time and sent the arrow into his side but a little too far back and at an acute angle due to him thrashing on his side and me being 18' up.
"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
Posts: 101
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:23 pm

Re: Path’s

#18 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

As he laid there with labored breathing I prayed to God to allow his passing quickly, but it seemed too long to me, me being conflicted with the fact that all of my arrows were shot and I couldn't relieve him of the last bit of suffering.

Lesson: Life is not always pretty and neither is hunting, chances are taken and like life, variable are involved and do effect the outcome.

"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

South MS Bowhunter
Posts: 101
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:23 pm

Re: Path’s

#19 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

He is still now as I make my way to him, I thank God the giver and taker of life and bless his Holy name! Realizing that i’m nothing without him and all things are from him.

Now the work comes and ease moves over for labor and more effort must be made. The path’s we choose lead us to more and we must make more decisions, but at times those choices come with great reward :D

This is my first Trad Buck and with a Longbow. For those who care the spec's are a Centaur Triple Carbon 60" 52# @30" (when at full draw).

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"The Lord is My shepherd I shall not want...."

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Re: Path’s

#20 Post by Ben »

Thanks for sharing that!! :D

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