When does your hunting season close?

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Re: When does your hunting season close?

#11 Post by mccaw69 »

Here in Ky. deerseason ends 31 of Jan,we have a spring turkey,and spring squirrel,and coyotes,groundhogs,and wild hogs are legal to hunt year round,so my season never ends!!
"And God was with the lad;and he grew,and dwelt in the wilderness,and became an archer." Gen.21:20

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Re: When does your hunting season close?

#12 Post by cacciatore »

In my part of the country wild boar are open all year around,and roe deer at the end of Feb,but they reopen in the late spring during the rut!

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Re: When does your hunting season close?

#13 Post by Greywolf »

Ours closes Dec 31st and Opens Jan 1 for Deer,sheep,goats and pigs. It is closed for Game mammals during state bird season on public lands
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