Come on in and sit a spell. There's a seat for you around the campfire.
Forum rules
Please keep hunting posts to Traditional Bow Hunting. No canned or high fence hunts or stories allowed. Please be respectful of fellow members and helpful to those with questions. Treat others like you like to be treated. There is a Japanese word that I try and model my life after.
GAMAN: patience..dignity..restraint.
honey...I'm missing a few kitchen you know where they are??
yeah...there out by the firewood pile...
a few more antler boning knives made with some sheds and old SS kitchen knives I ground to a different shape...I didn't think She would miss them...LOL...
ted ...wandering monk/trout bum
public land pope & young
public water 20"er
man those are nice. i have some Damascus blade i need some one to put handles in them and clean them un some. thanks for sharing the pictures with us..