Talkin Turkey

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Talkin Turkey

#1 Post by Stalker »

Being a turkey fanatic and not knowing anyone else who hunts turkeys with a bow, I was hoping to see how everyone else goes about it. For me I use a 62" 59@26 Northwind longbow, homemade bamboo arrows stone heads on 2 of them, with STOS 130 BH's on the rest. I use QuakerBoy mouth calls exclusively. I do use 1 hen decoy most of the time. I generally stand behind predetermined trees that I pick before season for my cover. Not to much roming and calling these days. I will mention though I have never scored, but come close! Hope this is the year! OK who's next!! Tim

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#2 Post by Venator »

I have never hunted turkey's, but I think it is awesome that you hunt them with boo arrows and stone heads. Hopefully this year will be the year for you, best of luck.

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#3 Post by Bone »

With a bow I have been lucky to call in and shoot two. Recovered only one of them shot both with my Centaur longbow, using Primos mouth calls, old box call, jake an hen decoy, double bull blind. I increased my odds dramatically using the bull blind cause I got busted in the natural ones. Goodluck with the bamboo sticks stone points

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#4 Post by Stalker »

I am sure if I used a blind I would get more shots, its just not for me! Not yet anyway. Thanks Tim

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#5 Post by TradRat »

Never hunted turkey with a bow so, can't add any insight. I was hoping to get out this year but, doesn't look likes it's going to happen. I wanted to try one of my new Centaur heads on one! :lol:
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Re: Talkin Turkey

#6 Post by Stalker »

Just saw those heads(congrats Tradrat) and they would certainly do the trick!

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#7 Post by Irish »

For me, double bull blind, mouth, slate, and box calls. I use big old snuffer heads. I have been able to call them in without the blind, but have had much better luck with one. I have been setting up a hen and a jake, with the jake facing me at about 10 yds, and the hen a couple yds to the side. If all works as planned, the Tom will come in, face the jake, and the Widow gets to talk. Things very seldom go as planned, but turkey hunting is still a blast. I will be out tomorrow morning.
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Re: Talkin Turkey

#8 Post by robhood23 »

I use a blind pretty much all the time. Kind of a pain to lug around but well worth it in my mind. Depends on the year for which bow I use. If I can go this year it will be with either a 62" blacktail or one of my 62" centaurs. Cedars shafts with 160 gr. snuffers will do the trick! depends on time of year and how the birds are reacting for which decoys I use buy the full strutter dekes have been working well with a hen. If it's later in the season I usually just leave the dekes and set up on travel coridors or set up in front of where they are heading.

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#9 Post by Badenoch »

Take care,

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Re: Talkin Turkey

#10 Post by hillbilly »

I'm a turkey hunting fanatic too. Turkey's have to be one of the most difficult game to harvest with a bow there is. I have always hunted them with a shotgun. I have drew on a few with a bow and always get busted. You can kill one with bow and without a blind if everything is perfect which rarely happens. Nothing wrong with a blind. I believe a decoy for distraction and a good setup is the key. Good luck to getting your bird.

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