A trip to Millwood Lake

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A trip to Millwood Lake

#1 Post by jaydee2trad »

Back in the late 90s, mt son and I went to Millwood Lake in south western Arkansas to both fish and to bow hunt. There was a chance for an alligator gar and we really wanted one. We began seeing smaller actual alligators here and there in the thick vegetation around the cyprus trees. We had just seen a nutria swimming across in this one area and were working our way over towards it. They were considered a nuiscence animal from La. But before we could get to it, a big 10 to 11' gator suddenly had it and began rolling hard in the water with the nutria in it's mouth. it had happened so fast that it took both of us by surprise. My son had previously mentioned getting into the water to cool off but now decided against it. It was after dark when you could see how many and how big they were.

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Re: A trip to Millwood Lake

#2 Post by Captainkirk »

Wow! That would cure my itch to swim right quick!
Aim small, miss small!

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Re: A trip to Millwood Lake

#3 Post by jaydee2trad »

my uncle was fishing in the same area a few years earlier and kept hearing some splashing thru the trees. When he finally got to where he could see, his boat was alongside a small doe that was being torn apart by a gator. Nothing like going to sit down on a log while duck hunting only to have it get up and move. Even worse when you are out nearly chest deep and have a gator slowly cruise by within feet of you, will wake you up.

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