Miss my Dirt

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Miss my Dirt

#1 Post by jaydee2trad »

Years ago, we shot paper targets, there were no 3D targets as we know them today. Some of the guys had gotten compressed cardboard bales from walmart (their trash) and we were using them for backstops for the paper targets. The problem was there could be anything in those bales, like returned bathroom scales and empty glass bottles etc. These things were super bad on arrows and you just didn't know what was hidden in them. So I convenced everyone to go to dirt backstops. We got a couple dump truck loads of river dirt which was pretty much rock free and then we just carted the dirt where ever we wanted a backstop. This was awesome for both field points and broadheads. After the 3D targets came out, we just used the backstops for broadhead practice. Then the land got sold. So on my own place, I purchased a round bale and used it for a while but really wanted dirt. So I went to wally world and bought about 30 bags of dirt. I left the dirt in the plastic bags so that the dirt wouldn't wash away so quickly and began stacking the bags of dirt. I placed them end to end about four on the first row and then again on the second and so on until I got them as high as I wanted. Seems like I bought a couple more to put behind the center of the stack but the bags of dirt just lay there perfectly. Shot these for several years before I had to replace a few of the bags but that was easy, they just lay on top of the others and mashed everything down. Low maintenance, actually pretty cheap and stopped everything just fine. THey even stopped crossbows no problem. The dirt back then was a dollar a bag, may be two now but still cheap. heck we even shot a 22 into it a few times. So, may be buying some more dirt for where I live now, sure would make a lot of things better. If I do it right, I can even stand my 3D target up in front of it to keep misses from hitting the rocks LOL

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Re: Miss my Dirt

#2 Post by Captainkirk »

Wow, great idea, Jerry! "Berm-in-a-bag"?
Aim small, miss small!

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Re: Miss my Dirt

#3 Post by jaydee2trad »

I just got tired of dirt piles melting away. the plastic bags keep the dirt pretty well in place and very little grass or other stuff growing on the "pile." super easy to repair or replace. dirt is pretty broadhead friendly, yes you will dull some eventually but oh well. a plus is that it doesn't look so bad either so fewer complaints. biggest problem I ever had was the wife stealing a few bags for her flowers.

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Re: Miss my Dirt

#4 Post by Carpdaddy »

Hum; never would’ve thunk of that! :shock:

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