Despite the rain, wind, cicadas, and occasional tornado, Ole Betsy and I managed to get out a few times around the house and bring home a few bushytails. Sunday morning, after the early monsoon, I was able to get two. Monday morning, I only got one. The dense foliage combined with them never sitting still this time of year makes it hard for me to get a clear shot. Monday evening, though, the Hunting Gods smiled upon me. I stepped out on the porch after supper "to see a man about a horse" and heard one barking behind the house. So I ran back in, got my hunting stuff, and went after him. In ten minutes time, I had killed two, with most of that time spent reloading (I'm slow). I had to walk almost 50 yards from the house and then back! I am wore slick now, but it's a good kind of tired.