Where do you live?

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Re: Where do you live?

#11 Post by bjorn »

I used to live two countries east of Margly; and now live in the Santa Cruz Mountains about an hour south of San Francisco and 20 minutes from the Pacific. Even though we live in town in a populated area we have deer chewing on flowers and fruit in the yard daily, along with turkeys and a peacock or two. Occasionally we see bobcats in the yard and there was a waaay bigger kitty killed by a car a few hundred yards away. We get coyotes coming around a fair bit, one of them killed my daughter's duck and another one left me a mauled cat and a vet bill about the size of a guided elk hunt. Everything around here is protected except the people and their pets. LOL

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Re: Where do you live?

#12 Post by Littlebigman »

i live in a dead end coulee in rugged SE Minnesota. My farm consists of 295 acres and only 12 of them are flat enough to farm. My woods are filled with deer , turkey, coyotes, an occasional bobcat and song birds beyond counting. We moved here 5 years ago after spending our lives in Central Minnesota on the water. Once here the sheer quite of the place holds you here.


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Re: Where do you live?

#13 Post by RUSTY »

Hey Jim!! Not too far from ya here in Greenville!!!

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Re: Where do you live?

#14 Post by Stalker »

I live in the hills of western New York in the town of Holland ,about 30 miles south of Buffalo. I am very close to some of the best fishing anywhere with lake Erie and lake Ontario both less than an hour away. Awesome walleye,perch,smallmouth bass,and musky. Not to mention all the trout and salmon. I am also fortunate to live in farm country that holds a good population of deer and turkeys. Also plenty of small game and varmints.. I grew up in this town of about 2000, and probably be here for a good while to come! Tim

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Re: Where do you live?

#15 Post by Ben »

I live outside Coshocton, in Eastern Ohio, right on the edge of good old Appalachia....I'm within 3 minutes of 3 different rivers: Tuscarawas, Walhonding, and Muskingum---homes to the inglorious catfish, carp, and also some saugeye and small-mouth.
I have 23,000 acres of public land to hunt within 5 miles of my house---great during bow season; not so good during gun weeks! Fortunately, my personal 4 acres of wooded hillside is a major deer thoroghfare------I usually harvest 1-2 from my little piece of country, depending on the herd size for the year. (Last year, I hardly seen anything, so I didn't put too much pressure; then on the last weekend: 14 deer calmly walked behind me and bedded down 7 yds behind my treestand!)

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Re: Where do you live?

#16 Post by TradRat »

I hate you Ben! Can I come over and play?!! :mrgreen:
"It is not the end result but, the lessons and the journey of the hunt that count!" TW Lanoy

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Re: Where do you live?

#17 Post by Stickflingers »

I live in the dead center of Canada from east to west and 60 miles north of the American border. Winnipeg, Manitoba is a growing city with somewhere around 800,000+ people. Sounds too busy for hunting right?.....Wrong! I can hunt deer 10 minutes from my house (although most is done an hour away) and bears 40 minutes away. I've killed 3 moose an hour away, and hunt elk and caribou here as well. I stopped hunting turkeys because they were too dumb to feel good about shooting, but still love shooting carp which are easy but fun, and are here by the thousands!

I don't mean to offend anyone about Turkeys but they really are not that hard here. The "walk up and shoot them" method was least exciting.

Some negatives here...-40 degree winters, and very hot humid mosquito filled summers. Builds character though!

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Re: Where do you live?

#18 Post by robhood23 »

Rochester, MN

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Re: Where do you live?

#19 Post by elknutz »

Just out of Hillsboro, Oregon a little ways on a small 60 acre family farm. The muddy Tualatin river runs along the back of the property. Grew up in Alaska and miss it for 6 months of the year.

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Re: Where do you live?

#20 Post by Two Dogs »

Upstate NY just outside of downtown Central Square. Where the hell is that? :lol:

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