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Re: trade snuffers

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:34 am
by Greywolf
That angle is referred to as a "working edge" in packing houses where I use to work. it's not a hair popping edge like razor edge but it's stronger and keeps cutting longer.
On the Hog kill side of the packing house, my job was "Snatching guts" Yep just as the name implies remove the guts out of the hog.
I carried 3 Santi-safe sheep skinner knives with me for a 4 hours afternoon work session, I had 5.25 hogs a minute coming past me that's roughly 8 seconds to get the guts out of a hog before the next one was in front of you.
Believe me you had zero time to use the steel if you hit the bone and it took the edge off, so we changed the angle to a working edge, like i said it just cut all day long. it took a minimum of 5 cuts to remove the guts.
If we had a long day (more hogs brought in) you were glad for the second knife as back up, at the 2 hour break that time was spent steeling the knifes back to sharp.
BTW, the most hogs I gutted in one day, was 1160 hogs the average was 870 per day 5 days a week, and half a day kill on saturday sometimes.