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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:10 pm
by bjorn
About 15 yrs ago my wife and I were driving back to CA after a couple of weeks in Hood River OR. 12 miles South the river comes very close to the highway my wife and I drive past in stunned silence..........all of a sudden she asks "did you see that"? I responded "yes" and pulled over; both of us described a "bear" standing up and walking to the river. I made a u turn and we drove the couple of miles back to the spot, got out and combed the area.............nothing, but we had seen something from the car............awesome! Or maybe it was just a bear walking on two feet down to the river, which of course would be even more amazing.


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:21 pm
by Tradman
yes bjorn that would be amazing to see a bear hiking around a damn good circus bear eh.


Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:00 am
by Two Dogs
I saw bigot once, unmistakable roar & had 2 white flags sticking out its rear! Monster jam ny state fair. Lol. You guys aren't picking up any mushrooms while in the woods are ya? Hehehe


Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:34 am
by Tradman
:shock: :roll: :shock:


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:05 pm
by Ragnarok Forge
Hmm, perhaps not supernatural but a bit nerve wracking.

When I was 23, I went backpacking alone in the Indian Heavan Wilderness. One night I was sitting by a small camp fire, I heard an animal scream in the distance and wondered what it was since I had never heard anything like it. Over the next hour the screams came closer to my camp until they were about 200 yards out in the timber. I could hear a heavy animal moving around but couldn't see anything due to an overcast sky and being night blind due to the fire. After a bit the brush started thrashing around across the far side of the meadow and eventually a large shadow detached from the brush line and moved to a closer tree line in the middle of the meadow. I never did see the shadow again or hear another noise for the rest of the night. The shadowy shape was a lot bigger than a bear which are very common in the area.

I know it wasn't a cougar, I have heard them plenty of times. And you never hear them moving around. Bears don't scream and nothing else around here besides a cougar does either. I never did figure out what was doing all the screaming and moving about.

I spent a long night sitting up by what went from a small fire to a bonfire in no time at all. Weirdest experience I have ever had in the woods.

Local indian lore calls that area Sasquatch home turf. There are lots of legends about the local indians having encounters with them in that specific area. I spent three more days in the area and never heard another thing.


Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:52 am
by Stalker
I just read an article from AOL weird news where a Mr. Gonzalez President of the Sanger Paranormal Society may have DNA of Bigfoot. He was doing Bigfoot research in the Sierra National Forrest in California. When he got back to his truck he found facial impressions on his windows along with some hair. They were able to get DNA samples. There were also some 12" footprints. He will be holding a news conference on June 23 to show pictures, video, witness testimonials and the DNA results. By the sound of the article it does not sound like this information will prove to be conclusive. Either way it should be interesting.


Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:52 pm
by Tradman
funny how the evidence and photos never seem conclusive..i know what i heard so i will go by my own experience i guess.


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:07 am
by Stalker
It is probably a good thing that the evidence is not conclusive. If evidence ever comes back proving that indeed there is a creature out there, it would probably be the beginning of the end for it. The woods would soon be crawling with Anthropologists, Zoologists, adventure seekers, journalists and anyone trying to get the big story,or picture with it. Conclusive evidence would be headlined world news and that would not be good for such a secretive ,elusive animal.