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Re: hybrid longbows

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:58 am
by joe harrod1945
Graig over past few months i have been building up my back muscles slowly little effort pulling 50".The brace height has to be there 7 3/4 "for both bows if not it will stack.I had one inner ear infection which caused vertigo.I know what caused it.I was climbing up a tree got over heated an sit for 2 some hours an came home.Two days later could not get out of bed i was so dizzy.No more climbing for me.I will still ground hunt not going to give up.I have learned the hard way to slow down in every thing i do.I have been shooting instinctive for over 50 years it comes natural NOW no thinking just pick a small spot an shoot it "simple".You can be a super shot an not be a good hunter.

Re: hybrid longbows

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:51 am
by stumper
joe harrod1945 wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 1:33 pm I choose 2 bows 1 recurve 1 longbow by black hunter.The recurve bow shoots a tad faster but i like the long bow best.Set brace height 7 3/4 " no stack on the 2.Really like the handle on them.A low grip is hard on my shoulder.These bows are 50@ 28" so i am shooting 27" probably 48#.Thanks James for the advice.I think the arrow is the most critical than the bow.455 gr arrow for practice an later heavier arrow.15yds is the max now maybe 20 later.It depends on how i progress.I have read alot about form .My form is ingrained in me for a long time an seems natural pick a small spot an shoot it "simple".At my close range it does not matter.To me shooting long ranges is accident waiting to happen.If you have the fear of wounding a deer do not take it.But so many do not really care.I guess they want to brag.When i get one i thank the lord above for the good meat an the pleasure of the hunt.
I learned a simple lesson on form last year. Archery is about what works. I have read a lot on form and I shoot a very light poundage bow most of the time, which I would say really shows you if you are making form errors on release. But in all I have read somethings just will not work for my body type, which is dwarfish in size with t-rex arm syndrome. Let us know how your practice progresses.

Re: hybrid longbows

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:52 am
by joe harrod1945
Dave i have t-rex arm syndrome too.We have to shoot what comes natural like draw length one of my problems is the habit of over drawing my bow with out knowing it.You would not think anchor would be a problem but it can be.If you are off 1/2" one way or the other your accuracy will show up.If you can not shoot a 3" group at 5 yds with 5 arrows then at longer ranges it will show up bad."FORM" is where it is now i can shoot 1 arrow at 5 yds an hit a 1" circle now if i shoot 5 arrow group at 5 yds my group is 4" now with that said 2 arrows will be out of a 3" group.So many factors effect good form there is no such thing as perfect "FORM" .