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Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:14 pm
by South MS Bowhunter
Guys i have shot "instinctive" (look at the spot and loose automatically without thinking) for as long as I been into archery and to tell you the truth have never really improved to a satisfactory level of confidences Now i'm getting older (just turned 50) and the main thing I need to be really successful is departing me... my vision...hard to hit something you can't see and concentrate on. Anyhow I was wondering if someone could explain in simple step by step terms what Split Vision aiming is and how it is done? I know from reading that this is the method Howard Hill, Byron Ferguson and others have been successful with. So in light of that how many use this method and wouldn't mind sharing the process?

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:31 pm
by onesharpbroadhead
If you want to improve your shooting i would suggest that you work on improving your form - the aim is less than 10% of the shot. Do not snap shoot - pause at anchor concentrate on your spot and let the release by subconscious and keep looking at your spot till the arrow hits.

Traditional archery is much more about shot execution than the aim or method of aiming.

If you do a lot of 3D shooting - mix it up and get a 300 round target and shoot some 300 rounds and keep score and monitor your progress - it is an excellent way to perfect your form and concentration.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:01 pm
by South MS Bowhunter
OSB you are right my form has been as inconsistence as jello over the years and I fight TP bad most of the time, so i would like to hear what else is out there for shooting. My thinking is that maybe if I can rewire my though process into actually aiming it would allow me to get control of my form...that make sense?

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:18 pm
by Tradman
heres a great way to combat target panic...get a full sheet of any thickness plywood..take the lid from a rattlecan of spray paint and cut the bottom off..take the paint and with a rubber glove on spray the inside circle all around the plywood in at least thirty different spots..let it dry..set it up on its edge and stand back 8-10 feet..load an arrow onto your string and pick one of the spots then burn a hole through it..draw back and anchor..hold for a couple seconds then let down..keep doing this and mix it up,dont get into a set pattern..keep doing this for 15 minutes at a time,never shooting at any this for a week and then do some target shooting..if it comes back or isnt better then go back to it until you see a huge for me.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:18 pm
by onesharpbroadhead
I could be wrong - but I don't think that will help - I think conscious aiming will just enhance your target panic. I would recommend two things - 1. try Rick Welch's videos and style - get his videos Instructional Shooting Volume II and/or the Accuracy Factory.

I would also highly recommend a formaster:

Here is a little clip from Welch's - The Accuracy Factory:

I would also recommend watching this young Korean lady over and over and over - she has the most perfect form one could ever hope to attain:

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:37 pm
by Tradman
hate to disagree but that method definately helps with target panic.I used that method religeously when i was a competition shooter with wheelbows and i swear by it.You have to stick with it though for the entire time and do not shoot an arrow.This method reinforces your form and tricks the brain because you know inside you are not going to shoot the arrow.In my opinion target panic has nothing to do with your form or lack of,target panic is purely a mental issue.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:43 pm
by South MS Bowhunter
OSB I have a Formaster and Rick's video's (good ones) and i've also watched them :roll: but still haven't been able to get consistent. Have you ever shot Split Vision? I would like to hear some Pro's and Con's of the style, thanks.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:31 pm
by onesharpbroadhead
I guess I don't know what split vision is - to some people it is one thing - to others it is another - to me - I think it was a term that Hill came up with to try and describe how he shot in an era when very little was understood about the subconscious mind.

What I do is simply look at my spot and think of nothing but that spot and reminding myself to keep looking at it till the arrow hits - somewhere in that the arrow goes off without any conscious thought from me.

Here is my "routine" for lack of a better term.

I look at my spot square up, take a breath and look again - I sort of imagine the whole shot and the arrow hitting exactly where I am looking.

I then draw the bow and try to keep looking at the spot the whole time.

I hit my anchor and sort of do a very quick check list in my mind of my muscles in my back, my bow arm, bow hand, etc... and sort of make sure that everything "feels right"

Then I look at my spot and concentrate on it and remind myself to keep looking and bam - the arrow is on its way - and if all goes well the arrow hits reasonably close to where I am looking.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:51 pm
by South MS Bowhunter
Well that is what I try in principle and some days everything works as advertised but my off days are more common than the good days alas :cry: So i'm open to learning something new if it will help my shooting.

Re: Split Vision archery..can someone explain step by step?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:28 pm
by onesharpbroadhead
just be careful not to try too many new things at once - also - sometimes just setting the bow down for a week or so - will help too.