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Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:49 pm
by Shadowhntr right at a time when I pretty much given up on humanity ever being even close to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR,,someone from this forum reminds me that there are indeed still very good and even great people out there. I may not see it every day but I certainly see it often.

This time it was my turn again to be on the receiving end, which is always the hardest for me to accept. But I've learned recently a valuable lesson from this group, being that it's absolutely none of my buisness or not my right to meddle with another man's blessings. So I gladly accepted this beautiful get well gift from our very own Graps, the custom knife maker. I was completly shocked and floored with the lovely surprise and the high quality craftsmanship that was put into this excellent knife and sheath set. Ive been lost for words about it every since it showed up here unexpectedly.
Graps, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for thinking of me yet again and crafting me such a wonderful set. I will cherish it all my days.

Im sorry the pics bleached out the handle a bit...Now the rest of you fellas eat your hearts out when you feast your eyes! :P

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:06 pm
by USMC4life
Ole Graps out doing himself yet again.. that’s one mighty fine blade sir.

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:45 pm
by Jamesh76
Very nice

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:49 pm
by White Falcon
I like it a lot!

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:12 pm
by Graps
Jason, I too am at a loss for words.....
I had no idea about how you were doing except for some health problems.
I guess all I can say is, You are very welcome and It's my pleasure my friend.

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:29 pm
by Carpdaddy
Home run!

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:44 pm
by Captainkirk
Outstanding! Graps, you have a real gift when it comes to knife making. I know I will always cherish my knife as well. What an amazing group of people we have here!

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:32 pm
by stumper

Re: Never ceases to amaze me...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:35 pm
by Shadowhntr
I know right?