Now HERE'S an issue...
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:50 pm
OK, the daily practice seems to be paying off...the arrows are grouping nicely fairly close to where I want them to be...yay!, the center of this brand new Block target is blowing foam sheets all over the yard behind it and I've had to put an additional backstop bag behind it to stop impending pass-thru's...
Some of the arrows are sinking in almost up the fletching already. I bought this (absurdly expensive) Block last year but only fired a few shots at it. And y'all know I only started the 'daily treatment' in June...that's not much longevity for your 80 bucks. I haven't figured out a good method of stopping the layers of foam from blowing out the back either.
I don't mind spending a C-note on a target block if I get 3 or more seasons out of it. But two months? Outrageous! Anybody have some suggestions either for stopping the deterioration, or a better target, or both?, the center of this brand new Block target is blowing foam sheets all over the yard behind it and I've had to put an additional backstop bag behind it to stop impending pass-thru's...
Some of the arrows are sinking in almost up the fletching already. I bought this (absurdly expensive) Block last year but only fired a few shots at it. And y'all know I only started the 'daily treatment' in June...that's not much longevity for your 80 bucks. I haven't figured out a good method of stopping the layers of foam from blowing out the back either.
I don't mind spending a C-note on a target block if I get 3 or more seasons out of it. But two months? Outrageous! Anybody have some suggestions either for stopping the deterioration, or a better target, or both?