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An update on the knife sharpener

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:30 pm
by jaydee2trad
The company contacted me after asking exactly what I had done to fix it. They are now sending me the whole drive unit. again I told them that all I needed was the simple plastic drive wheel but I am getting the whole power unit I guess. So, they finally came thru and I am thankful period. So wow, pretty awesome results after all. JD

Re: An update on the knife sharpener

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:43 pm
by Elkman
That's awesome.

Re: An update on the knife sharpener

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:34 am
by jaydee2trad
I got a brand new electric drive unit yesterday, all I asked to get (purchase) was the small plastic drive wheel that had broken. and it looks like it has a better drive wheel on it. Wasn't expecting or asking for this but here it is. After a lot of questions and other things, they have asked me to possibly test products for them, crazy! Oh I have more than enough tools and things to sharpen or whatever so I agreed. We shall see where this goes. JD

Re: An update on the knife sharpener

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:40 am
by Captainkirk
Wow! Now that is stone-cool!