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Method of Aiming?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:31 am
by Captainkirk
As a trad hunter/archer, what is your preferred method of aiming? Many shoot instinctively (a broad definition with many different varieties and descriptions of such, many pretty vague!), some gap, some use sight pins or other bow sights, and some use string walking or a fixed crawl. None of these are the "right way". The right way, IMHO is what works for YOU and you feel comfortable with!
Some people hunt bare bow, yet shoot 3D or target using other methods. Again, none of these is right or wrong. What matters is what works for you.
I've seen those who look down on others that use differing need for any of that here. Feel free to answer the poll questions to the best of your ability, and also describe your preferred method(s) and why it/they are so. Also feel free to plug in additional information like your preferred hunting distance, max (do not exceed) range, and other such info. (you may change your vote, poll to run indefinitely)
Thanks for your input and comments!
Re: Method of Aiming?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:27 am
by Carpdaddy
I call it instinctive, I don’t consciously see the arrow, just focus on target. But I am told that I am subconsciously seeing it and gapping? And if that’s the case I’m fine with it. I do notice the arrow come into view at long distances like 30+ yards. I do not try to estimate distances before shooting or try to change where I aim, I guess it just happens in my little beanie brain, just think about the spot. Shooting with some gap shooters recently I noticed them guess-timating the target distances, I ask them about it, because I don’t think about that. If a deer is close enough my brain says shoot, if not I don’t, guess that’s subconscious distance estimating??

Re: Method of Aiming?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:47 am
by Captainkirk
Those of you who have followed my journey since I started here know I started with trad bows when that was all there was, then resumed shooting after a decade layoff with a wheelie bow, sight pins and moved up to a high grade single cam with sights, release, the whole 9 yards. I never liked being chained to devices and always admired those guys who could shoot bare bow, no sights, no shooting aids other than a tab or I jumped back in with both feet. Bare bow, no sight. At first I couldn't hit the broad side of a straw bale which was complicated by being VERY strongly right handed and equally strongly left eye dominant. So I learned to close the left eye and gap, which after a fashion, became pretty darn accurate but still had me judging distance prior to releasing. I found gapping to work really well at a given distance, but when I would start changing it up at random, even though the grouping was tight, point of impact (POI) would move up or down dramatically at times. So I took the plunge, learned to shoot with both eyes open and using no reference other than 'dead reckoning'. The groups opened up some but I no longer feel hindered by being shackled to a sight system.
To be fair, I've also dabbled with string walking and fixed crawl, but both require 3-under and I am not comfortable shooting 3U. My point of all this babble is that I've tried most of the methods but the one I'm sticking with for hunting and field practice is instinctive. That does not mean it's the best way, or the right way, or the only way. But it's the way that best suits me.
Re: Method of Aiming?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:40 am
by Carpdaddy

I have drifted back and forth on the under or split thing so much that I confuse myself sometimes.last few years I was shooting three under at close distances and split on longer shots. This spring at one of the 3D shoots I only shot three under and my scores improved quite a bit. From then to now I am shooting three under but that could change again anytime. I wonder where my fingers will go when focused on a deer coming in?

Re: Method of Aiming?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:19 am
by Captainkirk
Carpdaddy wrote: ↑Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:40 am

I have drifted back and forth on the under or split thing so much that I confuse myself sometimes.last few years I was shooting three under at close distances and split on longer shots. This spring at one of the 3D shoots I only shot three under and my scores improved quite a bit. From then to now I am shooting three under but that could change again anytime. I wonder where my fingers will go when focused on a deer coming in?
I agree! Sometimes we complicate things by not picking a method (or bow!) and sticking with it. As the saying goes, "Beware the man with one gun".
I know with me, I'm always looking for the 'magic button' that once pushed will make me a dead-on archer at any distance. (hint; I haven't found it yet)