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A new back quiver and arm guard

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:01 pm
by dhaverstick

I finished this back quiver and matching arm guard a couple of days ago. They will be donated to the live auction taking place at the United Bowhunters of Missouri Festival the weekend of February 9th-11th in Springfield, MO. Hopefully, they will make the club a little money.

The body of the quiver and the arm guard facing are made from water buffalo hide. The black leather that the arrowheads are made from is stingray hide and the shiny yellow bands are ostrich leg skin. The straps and trim are made from deer hide and I carved the buttons and lace hooks from deer antler. I sewed everything up by hand using approximately 4 miles of artificial sinew. My fingers need a rest now!


Re: A new back quiver and arm guard

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:22 pm
by Captainkirk

Re: A new back quiver and arm guard

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:30 pm
by Elkman
Wow! That's awesome!
It's also very generous of you Darren. I hope it fetches a pretty penny for the club. It's has to be worth quite a bit. You probably have a great deal of time into it, much less the cost of the materials. Great work👍