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Turkey Call Art

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:08 am
by dhaverstick

Back in 2020, my friend, David Ferguson, and I were in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula hunting Ocellated turkeys. I killed one on the first morning and when I got back to the house we were staying in, I turned my phone on to let my wife know I had been successful. Instead, my phone lit up with all kinds of messages for me to have David call home immediately. His 10-year old granddaughter had passed away that morning so we needed to get back home ASAP. That began an arduous 2-day journey that I don't think we would have completed successfully had it not been for the kindness of strangers. Fast forward to last week...

I got a text message from David last week that he would be in Springfield on Friday. We made plans to meet up at Grizzly Tool and when I got there he had this call for me. It was his way of saying "Thank you". David has been making calls for a while, and even won 1st place in one of the call divisions at the annual NWTF convention. I have a "field grade" call of his that is always in my turkey vest but this one is definitely a step up. To say I was pleased would be an understatement.

The body of the call is made from a piece of flaming box elder that came off of David's place. What's really cool about that is that his place used to be the home place of my great uncle Otho Haverstick. The lid is made from a piece of cedar that came from a 540 year old snag found on the upper Jack's Fork River.


The photo he used as a guide for my likeness was taken by Missouri Department of Conservation photographer, Noppadol Paothong, for a piece I wrote for their magazine a few years ago. David did a good job!


The other side of the call.


The famous mill at Alley Spring near Eminence, MO, for reference. The boy's got some skills!


A note on the bottom


I can hardly wait for next spring so I can use this call to lure a Shannon County gobbler to his demise. It certainly has a lot of good mojo built into it!


Re: Turkey Call Art

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:28 am
by Captainkirk
Holy Toledo! That thing should be in a museum! Absolutely amazing art work.
So very sorry to hear about his granddaughter. I could not even imagine.

Re: Turkey Call Art

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:37 am
by Longtrad
Man that is a beautiful call but the back story breaks my heart. I wish them peace.

I have always enjoyed the artistry in your gear. I also like how he gave you Rambo arms in the engraving :P . good friends like that are hard to find.

Re: Turkey Call Art

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 12:18 pm
by Elkman
Wow! That is a beautiful turkey call.