how was your hunting season ?

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how was your hunting season ?

#1 Post by Tradman »

Ok people, lets hear some stories and see some pics of this years bounty.come on,i know youre looking at the site so start using it.lets hear it.

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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#2 Post by cyberscout »

Mine is not over yet, still have TX. Hunted in AZ twice for Mule Deer[Bucks Only]Had some really fun Stalks but did not close the deal.

Jesse Minish
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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#3 Post by Jesse Minish »

Spring bear was a bust. Had lots of close encounters but just didn't connect. Got my bull elk in September and then was out of state for work. Got home in time to get a couple of deer hunts in before season closed but was unsuccessful.

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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#4 Post by RD »

Wyoming Antelope was a blast, everyone scored. Notrh dakota was fun but unsuccessful for me, my buddy got a dandy 8 pt. Home(MN) was so so, shot 2 does and a buck, didn't see the "big" one.

Steve B.
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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#5 Post by Steve B. »

I'm ashamed to say that this is my first season in about 10 years that I did not hunt at all. Personal issues. I did do a non-trad-bow, 6-day canoe trip on the Johnday river where I bird hunted and fished and had a great time but I won't talk about it as there was no trad stuff involved. But at least it's hunting?
I have big trad plans for 2012 however.

South MS Bowhunter
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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#6 Post by South MS Bowhunter »

Our season is still in and i’m still at it, but the deer are so nocturnal it really a guessing game if and when you see something. Did have a successful hunt in early December and posted a story title “Paths” in this forum earlier for those who would like to read it.
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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#7 Post by onesharpbroadhead »

I had a chance this season to try some Rage 40KE broadheads - I shot three adult does with them and in each case had an incredible blood trail and awesome results - I even filmed one of the blood trails:

Marty Z
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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#8 Post by Marty Z »

1 Buck 2 Does it was a good year.
the other silent killer

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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#9 Post by SNUFFER »

I am still out hunting here in Maryland. Our season ends on the 31st, and I plan to take off and hunt most of that day. I'll have to post back and let you know how it turned out.

Tony Sanders/aka"SNUFFER"

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Re: how was your hunting season ?

#10 Post by SNUFFER »

Our Maryland season ended on the 31st. I had intended to go out and spend most of the day in the woods, but I came down with a bad cold. So the last day passed without me being in the woods. But I did manage to take Deer #7 on the 25th. I took a skin head with my 1959 bear Kodiak Recurve and Bear Razorheads. I am devoting the whole 2012 year to hunting with the 59 Kodiak using Bear Razorheads. So now begins the 7 1/2 month wait until our season opens in Sept. But in the mean time I plan to pursue spring Turkeys and summertime Bowfishing and Groundhoging. Shoot Straight and Good Hunting.


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